Green that i want you green

Environment Global

domingo, 24 de julio de 2011

EcoTags! Showing you - Biodegradable -

This is the term that describes anything that is returned to land natural action of the same.

It's simple and effective way that has the nature of "pick up the house." The ultimate vacuums (no hands)

sábado, 23 de julio de 2011

Caring water in the kitchen

You know how much water you waste if you leave the water running when washing dishes?
You can spend up to 120 gallons each time. Instead, all the dishes first soaked in a basin or bucket, then put soap and rinse in a tub of clean water without the water running.

When washing vegetables, put a stopper in the sink. Fill and wash once everything that you consume.

In some parts of the world is consumed on average a total of 364 liters of water per person per day, more than double, for example, in Europe, which use about 150 liters per day. If you want to counter this, savers can put in all the house keys in space toilets and showers.

Think cooking vegetables?

Use the minimum amount of water you can. This not only serves to save, but to keep the flavor and nutritional value of these foods.

Think about water

Pour one liter of water in a bowl.

With an eyedropper picks up a drop, reaches out and drops the drop on her, then place it next to the vessel which previously filled with a liter of water.

That precious and fragile drop of water withdrawn liter container of water is equivalent, in proportion to the water in the world, all of the freshwater available for human consumption.

viernes, 22 de julio de 2011

EcoTags! Showing you - Biofuels -

These new innovations are at the same time allow us to make an effort to better care for our environment.

Biofuels are alternatives to oil, diesel and LPG gas-friendly environment. They are made ​​from biomass (organic matter originated in a biological process, spontaneous or provoked and can be used as a source of energy.)

For automotive companies was a boom that led to the manufacture of cars compatible so to speak, with this new energy source.

SEM Tips 7 - Efficient homes (Save Energy & Money)

Today the homes must comply with certain standards, according to the countries where you live. Which sometimes require that buildings are environmentally efficient and this refers to the envelopes of the same.

As I am a civil engineer, I can comment that I made efficiency projects in home energy-saving time (something difficult, many calculations) but this can give the customer a very efficient housing and good quality, as these studies focus on the savings based on use of air conditioners.
Experts say there are ways that favor construction or otherwise attenuate energy expenditure for cooling or heating, as I comment.

Although we will not acquire new apartment, if you can do a lot with the insulating glass in our house.

Today already sold prefabricated glass double that help insulate. The heating and cooling consume 36% of global energy.
Efficient dwellings remain cool when hot outside, hot and cold weather, thanks to the insulation.

EcoTags! Showing you - Hybrid Cars -

EcoTags is our new template which will teach you some ecological terms which will be of great use to go to in increasingly deeper and deeper to what is being green and so everyone can contribute to the care and maintenance of the environment .

Decode the amazing and ever-expanding collection of tags and words which form the so-called EcoTags.

Daily (if possible) develop, each with its unique and specific entry.

Hybrid cars.

If you want to show the world that are serious about the environment, and if you have enough money, this is the car for you. Some models combine a gas or diesel engine with an acceleration system powered by a rechargeable battery that consumes less fuel and therefore emits less gas. 

jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

SEM Tips 6 - Provide time and resources (Save Energy & Money)

If you can not generate a big change, beyond their private sphere, you can join organizations (both governmental and nongovernmental) that specialize in protecting the environment.

Some experts with high expertise in the conservation of nature explain that one way to participate is to help the reforestation with donations or time to organizations dedicated to it. "The problem of reforestation is critical - they suggest, that you have to do very well technically speaking." This means choosing the right species to the right places and follow up to the possibility of success is almost 100%. "If you planted trees without planning, the more likely end up as food for goats, or dry for planting in a time that is not correct, because the losses are up to 95% when there is reforested with knowledge to do so. " Therefore, we need to approach organizations with knowledge and methodologies reforested.

SEM Tips 5 - Dispose of batteries in assigned places. (Save Energy & Money)

The environmental authorities in some areas reach deposits make available for disposing batteries, since they are items that generally a very toxic to the environment once they have been discarded.

You just have to know which part of your region you can find one. If you somehow can not find any of them close, you can make your own place to discard them at home, when the environmental authorities have already submitted your deposit ready for recycling.

Using rechargeable batteries is still a better option, since the disposable batteries are extremely toxic to the environment.

miércoles, 20 de julio de 2011

SEM Tips 4 - conserve water (Save Energy & Money)

In some large cities, one third of the water comes from 1100 meters deep, and must be pumped. To meet the annual demand for housing in those areas, will spend up to about 2,000 kilowatts of electricity.

So try to conserve water as much as you can according to strict water system and drainage of your location and if you can install any type of water tank for reservations, you will cause many long term benefits in water conservation and energy saving.

SEM Tips 3 - Sharing the car (Save Energy & Money)

Cars contribute about 20% to global warming. One of the most simple recommendations to reduce its use is to get neighbors to agree to go together to work or pick up children. You can also promote the use of the bicycle.
In some places around the world, the government also adds to the cause of promoting the use of environmentally friendly transport alternative, creating bike paths, for example for citizens to take alternative routes by which makes them easier to use than a car bike .

Have a green party

Whether a wedding, a meeting or an informal event, you can take steps to make your event green. Impress your guests with creativity and environmental awareness.
Easy to choose a place that people can easily walk or travel a short distance by car.
Invite your friends by e-mail, do not send paper invitations.
It serves local, the food is fresh and that is produced in the area.
Use reusable dishes and cutlery and biodegradable, if that many, if not, you can even use normal tableware.
Decorate naturally, using flowers, moss stone me for centerpieces.
Dazzle with efficient lighting. Event day is ideal, but if not possible, use fluorescent lights.
Facilitates recycling. Place trash cans to separate smoothly.

martes, 19 de julio de 2011

SEM Tips 2 - Using air conditioning (Save Energy & Money)

When the heat gets worse, in many places the use of air conditioning needed. However, to save energy is important to follow some recommendations:

Unplug the machine

When no one in the room or on the site is used. Or take advantage of energy-saving mechanisms that some technologies offer today.

Regulate the temperature.

Ideally, this from 22 ° C and 25 ° C.

If humidity increases.

It is necessary to reduce the temperature to maintain the same thermal sensation.

During the summer months.

The recommended temperature is 25 ° C. A difference of over 12 ° C with the temperature outside is not healthy, and for every degree temperature to drop 8% consume more energy.

To avoid wasting energy.

Insulate your home. Install awnings, blinds and curtains closed. This will reduce the warming, since it prevents direct radiation from the sun.

Ventilate your home in the cooler hours.

Early morning and evening preference. Ten minutes is enough to ventilate a room under normal conditions.

As the air conditioning is on.

Avoid opening any door or window so that no more hot air cant enter.

Keep equipment in good condition.

Clean it to work properly. Dirty air filters affect their function and consume energy. Cleanse once every 2 weeks, or at least once a month.

Install a thermostat.

If your air conditioner does not, or does not provide precise information on temperature. And avoid the device is near sources of heat.

SEM Tip 1 - Green steps, we can all give

SEM ( Save Energy and Money)

Separate garbage. Only in a megalopolis like some cities, with their metropolitan areas, daily produce an average 5,000 tons of garbage.
Of this amount, 10% is recycled and only 10% and 15% split. Although in some places there are laws that promote these activities, people did not accept the custom of separating the trash (though in some places separate the culture of waste reaches 40%), and authorities still do not have all the means to contribute to this.

But again, this should not prevent us from acting. "Someone has to lead by example, and although the individual has an influence on such a short space, it is very important because it is our space and the responsibilities we have"

Most of the garbage trucks mix it all, there are others that if this activity separate and allow the vegetables to decompose faster. You can also use recycled plastic bags and biodegradable organic waste.

Saving energy and money

Hi there!, i hope all of you are alright today and with a lot of enthusiam to keep a good take care of our world with all of our living an daily activities.

From now and forward i´ll be giving 10 tips to keep saving a lot of energy and money!; 10 ideas to take care of those aspects of your daily life because with the actions of everyone we can make this a whole thing to share with others and make a better impact in our world.

But, really can we generate that kind of change?. Sometimes observing the insignificant that appear the individual contribution to major weather problems, we can fall into a kind of despair that guide us into inactivity. Nothing is more serious but, moreover, inaccurate. It is true that large corporations and governments (in the minority) have power over major decisions, but experts agree that individuals themselves can generate all the needed change. That's right, you read well: "All change is needed"

For example a "green family" some actions are taken, such as using biodegradable diapers, trash
composter in the garden organic, biodegradable detergents, bleaches and disinfectants are several that do not harm the environment, such as vinegar. Some training systems of water, allow to live up to 6 months without using other sources of water, etc..

Stop being addicted to the energy for a moment. Later I will summarize some other tips.

Put your house on a diet

Homes consume an enormous amount of energy, especially in heating and cooling, and American homes consume around six times the world average. Once you've audited your home for energy use (even if you haven't) some simple moves can cut your electricity bill. Keep your house cool with natural ventilation instead of air conditioning as much as possible. Use in-room, ceiling, or whole-house fans to move air throughout the house. Blocking sunlight during hot hours of the day can help lower your cooling load. If your house uses electricity for water heating, wrapping your water tank in an insulating blanket can save on power. Also, if your house is heated with electricity, see other alternatives such as cantilever construction for windows very exposed to the sun or a long-term investment in what are waterproof roof or as we saw in the previous post, start a green roof project for the same home for so optimize and streamline what is the use of air conditioning in the house and therefore not so dependent on air conditioning and in turn not having to spend so much energy helping the planet and our pockets. You can also go to a solution this problem by dissipating the heat radiation from the sun so that it can be spread away from home.

Light colors in both exterior and interior of the house are also influential because it does not attract as much heat as dark.

Try to have a house always fresh and airy, but watch out for mosquitoes)